Friday, December 2, 2011

Something Different: Wedding Planners

This was the first time I was writing for a company that dealt with weddings, and that too planning them. Now that, is a task! I was somehow very tensed before I took this up. However, things changed dramatically after I met the owners of the company. First, they were youngsters. Second, they were damn serious about their work. Apart from this almost-difficult-to-find combination, I found something else very surprising - the project in its entirety. After speaking to them for almost an hour, I knew I had to do this. To know more about them, here is there Facebook page. For the lazy ones, here is a small expert from the introduction I wrote.
All those who have marriage on the cards, these are the people. My word.

'Cuz everyone needs some food for thought!

I had just discovered my passion for writing; not in its purest form, but just its existence. Years back, this was. I had just learnt how to differentiate between the colon and semicolon. Yep, back then, it was an achievement. The link below, will take you to pages from the heart. These were written when writing was only about what i felt. Today, I is different. Yes, there is a story here and there, a thought you can perhaps bank on.

There is a lot we want to say, a lot is hidden inside us. Our inner-most desires are seldom spoken about, even with ourselves. For all those who read this post, I would advise only one thing - write. Writing doesn't need a writer, it doesn't need a skill, it just needs a thought. For everything else, we have spellchecks, the dictionary and the thesaurus.

A year or more, @ Buzzle.

Working at Buzzle taught me a lot of things: dedication, punctuality and competition with self. So far, it has been an experience I loved. I personally loved every article I wrote. Though the link below would be a glimpse at only the articles, this place gave me lot more! Here it is.

A good 1 year 3 months, good (almost) 500 articles, and of course a (good? - I leave that to you) profile.